
Wednesday 20 April 2016

Sunny Days and Recent Makes

Morning, and it's another sunny one here, in North Yorkshire...and what a treat it is too.

I woke up, opened the blinds, and immediately felt my mood and my spirits soar!

It's been good to get out and about these last few days, even if it's just heading to appointments or the supermarket in my little motor - roof down, sun shining, shades on.

My creativity has climbed out of it's recent slump, and I've been hard at work on a few hand painted and hand drawn pieces.

Progress is slow, especially on the drawn ones as they take some time to complete, but it is good and the process is a very happy one.

→ Pen in hand, audiobook on, in the zone!

Do you find your mood suddenly lifting when the days are bright and the skies are blue? Does it have an impact on your creative mojo? I'd love to know!


blobs and shapes, and a little uncertainty...
adding detail and still a little unsure...

then the stalks and leaves go on and suddenly it all comes together...phew!

blouse and pumps weather for the first time this year - yay!
blue + green + white = faves 

Meet Dolly, my fabulous girl mug from Icklebabe on Etsy...she has sisters you know?!

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